ML4H 2020: a workshop at
NeurIPS 2020
Advancing Healthcare for All
Fri December 11, 2020
Virtual Conference, Anywhere, Earth
This workshop will bring together machine learning researchers, clinicians, and healthcare data experts. The program consists of invited talks, contributed posters, and panel discussions.
This year, we focus specifically on advancing healthcare for all people. For machine learning to truly revolutionise healthcare, as is so often promised, we must focus on using it to broaden ML access while ensuring our models remain beneficial to all.
Find live video at the Official NeurIPS workshop page (requires registration)
Direct questions to:
Join the ML4Health Google Group to receive announcements.
Check out videos from our 2020 workshop on SlidesLive! Includes keynotes, posters, and spotlight presentations.
The ML4H workshop is here! Please see our Livestream Guide for Attendees and Instructions for Poster Presenters for information on how to virtually attend the conference. Feedback and interest in organizing can be submitted here
Registration for NeurIPS 2020 is now open. Registration is $25 USD for students and $100 USD for non-students. Financial assistance is available from NeurIPS (due 11/27/2020) and from ML4H (due 11/27/2020).
Our call for participation is up! We have two tracks, awards, and pilot mentorship programs.