After-event Note
Thank you for your interest in participating in ML4H 2021! This event took place on December 4th, 2021, and is already over. Below you can find the information on how to participate in ML4H that was originally distributed and regardless thank you for your interest in the ML4H symposium!
Participation Guide
ML4H 2021 is composed of several types of sessions accessible through three platforms:
- live stream (SlidesLive): for viewing keynote and spotlight presentations
- conference chat (Rocket.Chat): for asking questions during presentations and chat discussion during the day_ and_
- virtual conference world (Gather.Town): for poster sessions, research roundtables and mentorship activities
Live stream (SlidesLive)
- Keynote presentations
- Keynote presentations are made available through the live video feed embedded on the front page of the website. These presentations are grouped into sessions of one to three speakers each. A live discussion session based on audience questions will take place following the playback of each of the presentations in the session.
- Spotlight presentations
- Spotlight presentations are shorter talks that highlight exceptional submissions to the symposium that will again be hosted on the live video feed.
- Rocket.Chat
- During the live stream, all attendees can post messages in a Rocket.Chat window available on the website below the live video feed. Session chairs will relay questions to speakers during the associated question and answer session and post announcements. Questions directed towards the organizers may be posted to the #helpdesk channel within Rocket.Chat. Details on how to create your Rocket.Chat account can be found below.
- On the day of the symposium, will be accessible beneath the live stream.
- Once the Rocket.Chat window is accessible, click the blue “login” button in the upper right of the header (shown below)

- After clicking the login button, click “Register a new account” and provide your information or use your Google or Github accounts to authenticate.
- Anyone can register for a account, and you do not need to use the same email as was used to register.
- Once you are signed in, you can post general questions in the #general room, and if you have any questions for the organizers those can be added to the #helpdesk room
- If you would like to access the chat on your mobile device you can download the Rocket.Chat app for Android or iOS through the respective app store.

- A variety of events are hosted through the Gather.Town platform. We provide a general overview of the map below.
- Poster sessions
- Two poster sessions will be held in the same Gather.Town space in designated rooms at the top of the main hall. This year we are awarding Best Poster Awards, and all attendees can nominate posters for the award using this form.
- Research roundtables
- There will be a one hour interactive session in the Gather.Town space dedicated to guided topical research discussions with the community. See this page for more details!
- Breaks
- The Lounge area will be available during all the breaks (both social and lunch) for attendees to socialise, meet and greet. We welcome you to do so! This year we have also included an escape room dungeon (accessible at the bottom right of the space) that can be done in groups or individually. Links or portals back to the main space are provided.

- All participants will be eligible to earn tickets in a raffle on the basis of their participation in the symposium. Each participant will earn one ticket for their registration with additional tickets available by participating in poster sessions, round tables discussion, and exploring the Gather.Town space. Additional raffle tickets will be released over the course of the Symposium in See this page for more details about the raffle.
Code of conduct
- A code of conduct laying out the responsibilities and standards of behavior that all ML4H participants are expected to abide by is available at